About the website!

- I've always wanted to have my own awesome website!!! and I hate how websites and everything looks like now!!. Websites now don't look funky and cool anymore :(. Last year , while I was exploring random old goth websites from 2003 , I discovered neocities!!! and I thought it was the coolest shit ever. I've actually made a website on here before this one but it was experimental. It's filled with random gifs and blinkes and random bullshit (no I'm not gonna give any links it looks awful as hell but iykyk). Also, I'm not really good at html and web design at all but I learned A LOT of stuff about html while i was making this and the old website :).

- The whole purpose of this webpage is just for fun. I just want a place where I can talk about the things I like and share them with other people. So I hope you like it here :D!.